Can't Wait

Can't Wait main menu
Can't Wait main menu

Can’t wait is a physics based game made with the Unity game engine where you play as a waiter delivering food to tables.

Can't Wait trailer (made during game jam)

Made entirely from scratch (except for the royalty-free music and sound effects) over three days for the 49th Ludum Dare game jam with my friend Jonathan, this game was a lot of fun to make and is even more fun to play. Using the arrow keys, you must navigate through levels in as short a time as possible and by knocking as few objects and people over as possible. The only catch is the waiter you control is a little unstable and will easily trip if you lean too much in a certain direction!

You can view the submission here and download the game here.

Can't Wait level 2 gif
Can't Wait level 2
Can't Wait level 3 gif
Can't Wait level 3

Other game ideas we had for the ‘Unstable’ theme were:

I’ll write these down for future reference, I think these would be fun to make at some point!